Sunday 28 April 2013

Comic Book Thoughts

Batman #19 - Loved this issue. I went into it after reading a spoiler about who was behind everything. I had a feeling that due to this I would not enjoy the book as much I would have done otherwise; I was completely wrong. This is a very well written story by Synder, and Capullo is once again on top form in the pencils department. I really cant wait to see the conclusion of this; which may be in the next issue. The back up story was also very strong too.
8.7 / 10

Sex #2 - I am not too sure what to think of this yet. It reminds me slightly of Revival due to the slow build nature of it, however it is much more frustrating. I want to know more than what I am being told, but I can't tell just how desperate I am to carry on with it. There were a couple of scenes in this issue, including the old man and also the one in the apartment right at the end, which I thought were pretty cool.
I am going to pick up #3, but I have a feeling I am never going to be completely satisfied with this series. The first two issues I have been frustrated, but there have been things there to redeem it and keep me interested. This will definitely be an ongoing thing I feel. Dont get me wrong though, this is still a well told story, I just don't know how invested I want to be in it.
7.3 / 10

The Walking Dead #109 - It was pretty cool how this issue kind of took it easy. We saw Maggie and Sophia for the first time in what feels like ages; which was nice. Jesus also had a bit more of a prominent role in this one too; which is also nice. The ending of this issue also made me desperate to see what the consequences are going to be in the next issue. This is what this series does best. It makes you think that nothing too important is going to take place, and then boom, something important happens. Love it.
8.5 / 10

Saga #12 - What a great issue this was; which should come to no surprise to anyone. This one focused on the author of "the book" and the royal robot; whose name has literally just escaped me. The confrontation was great, and ended in a way that I did not see coming at all. The last page got me excited for #13...then I found out they were taking a few months off! Vaughan and Staples really know how to leave you gagging for me.
9.2 / 10

Hawkeye #9 - I love sitting down with this series. I just know that whatever is going to be inside the pages of the latest issue; I will just adore it. This issue featured Clint being visited by all the women in his life following events that have occurred in the last few issues. each encounter was just awesome, and once again the dialogue kept up its knack of me making me smile whilst reading. Even if you don't follow the series so far, you will definitely get something out of this installment. 
8.8 / 10

Uncanny X-Men #4 - This book ties in nicely with Bendis' All New X-Men series. If you do not read the other series then this issue may feel slightly off in some places. However, if like me you read both series, then you should really enjoy this issue. It gave us a whole new look at the confrontation on the front lawn of the Jean Grey school, as it focused pretty much solely on the Stepford sisters; which I loved as I have never really much of these girls before.
We also got to find out a little more about the new mutants personalities, which is something that was really needed in this series. As I think I have mentioned in previous reviews, I have never really felt like I know these new guys. This issue changes that as I now feel like I know them a bit more, as well as feeling like I know how they may progress in the future too.
8.3 / 10

1 comment:

  1. I'm a big comic book fan too, also new to collecting. Trying to also blog about the comics I read, and would appreciate it if you check it out. thanks!
