Tuesday 23 October 2012

Daredevil #19 Review

In the last few issues of this series it has looked as though Matt Murdock is losing his mind. The remains of his dead Father have been found in his desk drawer at his office, and he is having hallucinations of his ex wife. He has also lost his job at the law firm that he shared with Foggy, who really wants to get Matt what he sees as some much needed help.

Right from the start of this issue it seems as though Matt is carrying on down the slippery road that he is on. He temporarily loses his billy club, but finds it just in time as he swings into a bus which actually turns out to be his apartment. Yes, it seems like Matt has lost it completely. After speaking to Hank Pym, he figures out just who is behind what is happening to him, as well as behind all the strange mob leader murders. However, we do not find that out just yet...

There is a scene in a bar between Foggy and Matt's current woman in his life; Kirsten McDuffie ( which is actually quite a strange surname when you think about it ). In all seriousness though this was my favourite scene in the whole book. The emotion really jumped off the pages, and seeing Foggy in the state he was in was heartbreaking. He cares so much for his best friend, and only wants the best for him. He believed that the best thing to do was to tell Kirsten who Matt really is. The predicament he found himself in was a tough one, and that was clear to see all over his face as Chris Samnee nailed the art perfectly in what was a very important scene.

The ending of this book was a really odd, yet enjoyable one. We found out the Coyote is behind all the odd things happening in Matt's life, as well as being behind the murders. The last page of the story really was a true shocker. It looks as though Coyote has Matt's head in his hands while his decapitated body is tied up to a post next to them. It really is odd, and when I first turned on to it, it really was a WTF moment ( as much as I hate that phrase ).

Coyote seems like a pretty interesting villain. Waid and Samnee combine to make him seem light hearted while also being creepy at the same time, if that makes any sense at all. For example, seeing his multiple sets of arms appear all around Matt was like watching something out of a classic horror movie, while at the same time being somewhat ridiculous. He is a nod to old school comic books for sure. He is wacky and different, without making the reader lose interest in the character, or feel like their intelligence is being insulted. Coyote also seems like a pretty perfect way of explaining all the strange things that have been happening to Matt, so I guess he is being played to perfection. So far so good anyway.

It was always clear that not all is as it seems in regards to the situation with Matt Murdock's current state that he finds himself in. This issue confirmed that for us, and also makes you intrigued as to how everything will play out in the next issue or so. I am sure Matt will find a way to get rid of Coyote, but how is he supposed to convince those closest to him that all is well? I cant wait to find out.

Rating: 8.3 / 10

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