Tuesday 23 October 2012

The Walking Dead #103 Review

If you are not reading this series then you really have to ask yourself why you are not. Either pick up the trades and get going right from the beginning, or start from the "Something to Fear" story arc which started in either issue #96 or #97 I think. This is a fantastic series, and it truly deserves all the rave reviews that it generally gets.

This issue continues right where we left off from last issue as we see Jesus following the prisoner they let escape. I really enjoyed the art in these panels which really helped give the feeling of tension as Jesus tried to remain hidden from the ex prisoner, while also attempting to keep up right behind him. They had no text whatsoever, so the art had to be spot on, which it was.

The main reason this issue will be remembered is due to the fact that it is Negan's second appearance in the series, and he is just as menacing as he was the first time around. He swears pretty much every other word, but not once does it feel forced or false. He truly is a terrifying,  messed up individual. The first thing he does is make Rick look after his barbed wire bat named "Lucille", showing straight away to the readers and to the group that he is in control of this situation. His conversation with Carl was also great, as Carl tried to stand up to the bully. I was on the edge of my seat as I read this, as I really believed that this man could do great damage to Carl, all the while not even worrying about it on his conscience later. His last line to Rick at the end of the issue may probably be the greatest text in a last page panel I have ever read in my life. I am not going to report what he said in this review, but it really is chilling.

The close up shots of Rick in this book also showed how he was really fighting his inner self, and how he was trying so hard to keep his control while Negan was bullying, and making demands of the group. When he told Denise to step down and let Negan's men take what they wanted from the medical department, the inner turmoil was clear to see. He hated himself for letting the group be trampled all over in this way, yet he knew he had too if his plan was to work.
Oh yes, Rick's plan. We do not really know what it is yet, but it is clear that there will be many more confrontations between Rick and Negan, and Rick may even have the upper hand in some of these due to his plan.

This was another great issue in the series, and I am sure it will go along way to help convince some people that Negan really is a terrifying threat. Put it this way, I think he may be more of a threat than "The Governor" was, and that really is saying something. Once again I really can not wait until the next issue. It always feels so far away!

Rating: 8.5/10

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