Sunday 11 November 2012

Colder #1 Review

I am going to be very honest here. I did not know anything about this series at all when I picked this issue up. I didn't even know that it was only a 5 issue mini series when I picked it up. However, what I did know was that this may be the best cover that I have ever seen in my life, and if I did not pick this up then I would never have been able to forgive myself.

Ok, so it has a cool cover, but what was the actual content of the book like? Well, let me tell you, I am very impressed with what I read. There is still a lot of mystery surrounding the events that made Declan into an mute ice man kind of figure, and how he is still alive 70 years after the event that made him what he is. Saying that, I think this issue gave us enough to actually care where it is going to go in the next four issues. A lot of mini series that leave you with more questions than answers fail at keeping  the readers interest, however I think this particular title succeeds nicely in making you want to stick around.

The introduction of one of the creepiest, most mysterious characters I have ever seen; Nimble Jack, is reason enough alone to pick up this issue. What makes him so great to read about is the art that accompanies his dialogue. In fact the art in the whole book is really something else. It really does have to be seen.

The introduction of Reece; the carer for Declan, was also pretty awesome. She seems like a genuine, interesting, likeable character that I am looking forward to reading more of. Especially seeing as Declan has finally come out of the state that he was in. The frames with those two involved in may be worth the price of admission alone for the next issue.

Yes, this book was a very nice little read. There is no question about that. However, it does have some pretty basic faults. I did not like the location of the prison that Nimble Jack sneaked into in the modern day. The prisoner had a window that led right onto a busy street. Really? That seemed really unrealistic. I was also not a fan of the way the female police officer was written. When she was in Reece's  apartment, I really believed for a few panels that she was attempting to come on to her. Maybe these two points are just me, I don't know. Let me know.

This issue was great and I really recommend it. However, the two weak points I picked out above are going to lower the score a little. It is annoying because these are faults that I believe could have been avoided. Regardless, I am very excited for the next issue, and I am also hoping for another kick ass cover!

Rating: 8 / 10

Excitement for future issues / score this should have got if not for some annoying faults: 8.5 / 10

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