Friday 23 November 2012

Daredevil #20 Review

Mark Waid has written without a doubt the most consistent Marvel book of the year. It has been a tremendous read, and it has been great knowing that each issue you pick up; the quality will be exactly the same as the last one you read.This issue is no exception.

In this issue we learned a lot about what The Spot has been up too. Some of this is very very creepy, which leans towards the horror feel that this book has developed. It works very well and does not feel out of place due to what content Waid's run has included. We also learn that he has been contracted to go after Daredevil but I do not believe we know who has contracted him as of yet. This is something that really interests me, and I am desperate to know who it is (and so is Matt Murdock).

I also really enjoyed the scene with Kirsten McDuffie. There was some really sexist content in there that I know some people will not like and will be angered by it. But that is the point. I feel that we are supposed to be pissed off that nobody is taking her seriously. She is character that we as readers have never HAD to feel anything for, but now after this issue I am really rooting for her.

The end of the issue sees Daredevil finally back in one piece (clever), however he is left in a tough situation which he is going to have to fight his way out from. We are also shown the real Spot being held hostage, which begs the question: "who the hell is this Spot then?!?" However, I am sure we will find out more, and as always I am eagerly anticipating the next issue. Of course, being safely in the knowledge that it is going to be excellent as always adds to the excitement of having it in my hands. It feels like the next couple of issues are going to be big ones as we have been left with a few questions from the last couple of issues. It looks as though the time for some of these to be answered is coming fast upon us.

Rating: 8.5 / 10

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