Tuesday 26 February 2013

Superior Spider-Man #4 Review

Dan Slott kicks off his second story arc on this title in quite some style in this issue. We saw even more development for Octavius as Spider-Man, as well as the reintroduction of a villain  We also got a very well known character make an appearance in the last couple of panels; which was something I was just not expecting at all. This was a fantastic issue, which once again showed us why we should trust Slott and the team.

The start of this issue showed Otto using his newly created spider-bots  to help him see crimes that were happening throughout the city. I absolutely love this new system that he has going, and hope to see a lot more of it in the future.
This directly led on to some interesting conflict that showed another difference between Otto and Peter. I like the way Slott has blurred what is right and wrong here. In one way, Otto is not doing much wrong, and is actually doing things which Peter probably should have done. On the other hand though he is also not doing things that Peter would have done for sure. The writing here is very clever, as there is enough of a difference between these characters, but you still can't say that Otto is being a "bad" version of Spidey.

We saw the reintroduction of "Massacre" here, who I can say I have actually never seen before. Considering I have never seen him before, I was very very impressed with the scenes he was involved in. It gave the book a darker edge, and the content was actually something I was not expecting from a book such as this. It impressed me and made Massacre look pretty awesome at the same time.

I also enjoyed the way Otto has now returned to college due to his outrage at Parker for not officially being a doctor. This looks like it is could be quite an interesting development, especially if it something that is going to continue for a while.
As well as that, I am also very excited to see what is going to come from the character involved in the big reveal at the end of this issue. I am sure there will be a massive story arc just round the corner; which, by the way, has the potential to be brutal.

The art was superb in this issue. I really could hardly fault it. Good to see that the art is still improving in this book, which is something I feel that had to be done. In total, I can honestly say I can hardly fault this issue. Slott is really starting to feel comfortable here, and I think this is now the time to really start to get behind this title.
This issue really felt like a proper Spider-Man book, and I can't wait to see how the threat of Massacre will be dealt with in the next issue. Otto may have to do something that Peter would never do, and I for one am expecting fireworks if things progress like I think they will.

Rating: 9 / 10


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