Thursday, 21 March 2013

Daredevil #24 Review

Here we are once again with one of my most anticipated books each and every month; Daredevil. Waid and Samnee have been doing such a great job on this from day one, and I am sure they have got many more readers are producing a new reader friendly issue recently. This issue does not do too much in moving the current story arc forward, but what we do get is an interesting book with lots of good character moments; along with some very well placed humour.

So we kind of see the person who is behind this whole plot to take down Matt, however, I do not know who it is. If what we saw in this issue is a hint, then I am unfamiliar with the character. However, it still freaked me out slightly, and I am desperate to know more to find out exactly ho it is and why they are doing it.
In this issue they sent a crate of dogs that had been made radioactive to try and take Matt down; failing of course.There wasn't too much to this battle, but of course it angered Matt that this person could get to him so easily. I did like the way that this battle ended as it saw Matt defeat them in a pretty clever way. Simple yet effective.

After the last issue in which we learned about Foggys' condition, we had a couple of scenes that were very Foggy and Matt heavy; which was perfectly fine with me. I liked the dedication that Matt showed to him, which is to be expected, as well as us learning that the illness may not be terminal. After last issue I really thought that that was it for the poor guy, but now Waid has given himself the chance to prolong this a bit more. I am looking forward to a whole " will he, won't he" style theme in respect to this plot line in the future.

Another plot point of this issue was the relationship between Matt and Kirsten. Matt went to see her in order to try and end things, but it was Kirsten who ended up putting her foot down. Matt is now pretty confused about his feelings towards her. I am not too sure how I feel about Kirsten still. I mean, I do like her, but I really think she may need to be in the book more like she was in this issue. Some of her dialogue here was pretty great, and I wish we could see more of that. However, I do appreciate the fact that it is pretty difficult to get her page time with everything else going on in this book. This particular scene also had the best humour of the issue. I am hoping we see more of Kirstens' new boyfriend, if only for some decent one liners aimed at him by Matt.

As I said, the plot didn't really move forward much until the last page, however this was still an utterly enjoyable issue.If you have been enjoying the series then you will more than likely enjoy this issue too. The action may have been toned down, but the writing was just as good as ever. I find it a shame though that Waid can't seem to recreate his form here on his Hulk book. A Hulk book written like this would be awesome. Oh well, never mind, this Daredevil is more than enough for me.

Rating: 8.9 / 10

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