Friday 21 December 2012

Indestructible Hulk #2 Review

My second Mark Waid review of the week. He has done great things on Daredevil and he promised to do the same thing with this character too. I really enjoyed issue #1, so I was very eager to read this when I picked it up. It is a strange one because this issue feels like a filler issue, however it is still enjoyable and is what I consider to be a very solid book.

In this issue we were introduced to Tony Stark as he made an appearance to see what the hell was going on with Banner, and why he has decided to do good with his life. I really enjoyed the interactions between these two characters in this issue, and I really enjoyed the eventual mini battle that they were involved in. The art made the battle look scrappy and quite confused, but I think that was the perfect way to show it. These two know each other very well and the battle has a very personal feel to it that I really liked.

Apart from that not too much happened in this issue, but you get the impression after reading it that the first real story arc will begin next issue. Waid has spent the first two issues making readers interested in a character who tends to get overlooked, so I am more than happy with how these first two issues have gone. I also love the artwork in this book, but I hope all battles don't look as confusing as this one and the one in the previous issue. I mentioned it working in this battle between The Hulk and Iron Man, but it cant work for every fight scene with any characters.

I am enjoying this book immensely and cant wait for the next issue. I said in my review of #1 that I think this is The Hulk book that I have been waiting for and I still think that is the case. Waid has done such a great job with Daredevil to make him interesting and relevant again, and I have complete faith in him in doing the same thing here. I am just very eager to read the first proper story arc to get more of a feel of the character, and whatever villains Waid decides to pit him up against.

Rating:  8 / 10

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